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Track NameArtist Name
00:00 / 01:04
The Shekina glory 6_2_24Artist Name
00:00 / 20:06
Is Jesus the only way to God 14a, The Cloud 5_26_24Artist Name
00:00 / 16:10
Is Jesus the only way to God 14b, The Cloud 5_26_24Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:34
The importance of the Resurrection a 3_31_24Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:08
The importance of the Resurrection b 3_31_24Artist Name
00:00 / 18:54
Is Jesus the only way to God 10a, The Tabernacle proper, 2_11_24_1Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:25
Is Jesus the only way to God 10b, The Tabernacle proper, 2_11_24_1Artist Name
00:00 / 16:27
Is Jesus the only way to God 9a, The golden lampstand, 2_4_24_1Robert Nelson
00:00 / 21:00
Is Jesus the only way to God 9b, The golden lampstand, 2_4_24_1Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:59
Is Jesus the only way to God 8a, The bread of the Presence, 1_14_24_1Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:01
Is Jesus the only way to God 8b, The bread of the Presence, 1_14_24_1Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:47
Is Jesus the only way to God 7a, The altar of incense,1_7_24Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:00
Is Jesus the only way to God 7b, The altar of incense,1_7_24Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:40
Is Jesus the only way to God 6, The veil pt2 11_19_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 24:53
Is Jesus the only way to God 5a, The Veil 11_12_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 13:22
Is Jesus the only way to God 5b, The Veil pt1, 11_12_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 13:16
Is Jesus the only way to God 4, The tabernacle furniture 10_22_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:12
Is Jesus the only way to God 3, The Tabernacle 10_15_23_2Robert Nelson
00:00 / 21:47
Is Jesus the only way to God 2, 9_24_24_2Robert Nelson
00:00 / 22:57
Is Jesus the only way to God 9_17_23_2Robert Nelson
00:00 / 21:44
Be anxious for everything 8_27_23_2Robert Nelson
00:00 / 23:06
Anxious for nothing 8_6_33_2Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:14
Liberty 2A 7_16_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 13:08
Liberty 2B 7_16_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 13:04
Liberty 7_9_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 22:13
Stand firm 6_18_23_2Robert Nelson
00:00 / 23:58
You cannot be the slave of two masters A 6_11_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 14:07
You cannot be the slave of two masters B 6_11_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 14:05
You cannot serve two masters A 5_21_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 12:10
You cannot serve two masters B 5_21_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 12:11
The eye is the lamp of the body, A, 4_23_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:10
The eye is the lamp of your body, B,4_23_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:02
Where you’re treasure is, A, 4_16_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:21
Where you’re treasure is, B, 4_16_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:22
Beware of the experts A, 3_26_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:31
Beware of the experts B, 3_26_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:20
Psalm 110 A, 3_19_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:52
Psalm 110 B, 3_ 19_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:23
Who is Jesus Christ A, Mark 12_35-37, 3_12_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 14:09
Who is Jesus Christ B, Mark 12_35-37, 3_12_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 14:09
Not far from the Kingdom 2_19_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:20
The greatest commandment A, 2_12_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 13:36
The greatest commandment B, 2_12_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 13:28
Love 4, 1/22/23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 26:51
Love 3a, self love 1_15_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 20:35
Love 3b, self love 1_15_23Robert Nelson
00:00 / 20:33
Love 2A 12_25_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 13:34
Love 2B 12_25_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 13:41
Advent- Love 12_18_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 23:27
Hosea 4a 11_20_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 14:40
Hosea 4b 11_20_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 14:13
Hosea3A, Family 10_30_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:58
Hosea3B, Family 10_30_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:31
Hosea2 A 10_23_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 21:47
Hosea2 B 10_23_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 21:35
Hosea A 10_2_22Robert Nelsln
00:00 / 14:12
Hosea B 10_2_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 14:15
The Prophets A 9_25_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:22
The Prophets B 9_25_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:22
Evangelism A 9_4_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:47
Evangelism B 9_4_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:45
Eternal punishment A 8_28_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 13:40
Eternal punishment B 8_28_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 13:10
The least of these A 8_7_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:07
The least of these B 8_7_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:01
Or inheritance A 7_31_22 Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:04
Our Inheritance B 7_31_2022Robert Nelson
00:00 / 14:10
The Seperation A 7_3_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:13
The Seperation B 7_3_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:12
Day of the Lord A 6_12_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 14:00
Day of the Lord B 6_12_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 13:35
Talents A 6_5_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 20:03
Talents B 6_5_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 23:30
Watch Therefore A 5_15_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 20:07
Watch Therefore B 5_15_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 20:20
Mother’s Day A 2022Robert Nelson
00:00 / 11:02
Mother’s Day B 2022Robert Nelson
00:00 / 10:33
Easter A, 4_4_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 25:06
Easter B, 4_4_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 26:11
Missions Mandate A 4_3_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 26:01
Missions Mandate B 4_3_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 25:48
God of Missions A 3_6_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:08
God of Missions B 3_6_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:55
Do not be Afraid A 2_27_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 21:11
Do not be Afraid B 2_27_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 21:16
Peace on earth_ A 2_6_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:18
Peace on earth_ B 2_6_22 2Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:51
Wise & innocent A 1_30_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:26
Wise & innocent B 1_30_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:01
Imitators of God A 1_9_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:08
Imitators of God B 1_9_22Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:03
Pt1 Looking Back_Looking Forward 1_2_22 2Robert Nelson
00:00 / 22:07
Pt2 Looking Back_Looking Forward 1_2_22Robert nelson
00:00 / 21:37
Love A-Advent 12_12_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:27
Love B-Advent 12_12_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:36
Hope A Advent 12_5_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:59
Hope B Advent 12_5_21 Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:16
SOM#13a Pure in Heart 11_7_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 20:09
SOM#13b Pure in Heart 11_7_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:54
SOM#12a The Merciful 10_17_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:10
SOM#12b The Merciful 10_17_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:07
SOM 11Robert Nelson
00:00 / 01:04
SOM 11Robert Nelson
00:00 / 01:04
SOM #10a, Righteousness 9_19_21 2Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:11
SOM#10b, Righteousness 9_19_21 2Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:12
SOM#9a, “The Meek” 8_22_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:58
SOM#9b, “The Meek” 8_22_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:03
SOM 8Robert Nelson
00:00 / 01:04
SOM 8Robert Nelson
00:00 / 01:04
SOM#7a, “Poor in spirit” 7_25_21 2Robert Nelson
00:00 / 13:17
SOM#7b, “Poor in spirit” 7_25_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 13:20
SOM6a, "The Kingdom"pt3 7/18/21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:37
SOM6b, "The Kingdom" pt3 7/18/21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:33
SOM 5a, “The Kingdom”pt2 6_27_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 14:42
SOM5b, “The Kingdom” pt2 6_27_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:01
SOM4a “The Kingdom” 6_20_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 13:00
SOM4b “The Kingdom” 6_20_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 12:43
SOM#3a, “Blessed” 5_30_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 14:07
SOM#3b, “Blessed” 5_30_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 14:00
SOM#2A, “The Teacher” 5_23_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 11:02
SOM#2B, “The Teacher” 5_23_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 11:03
Sermon on the mount 1A, 5-2-21 (3)Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:02
Sermon on the mount 1B, 5-2-21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:56
Easter A, 4_4_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 25:06
Easter B, 4_4_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 26:11
Palm Sunday a 3_28_21 Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:01
Palm Sunday b 3_28_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:36
Covenants 3a, 3_14_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:00
Covenants 3b, 3_14_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:26
Covenant Renewal 2A 2_7_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:38
Covenant Renewal 2B 2-7-21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:36
Covenant Renewal 1A 1_31_21 Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:13
Covenant Renewal 1B 1_31_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:19
Church & State A 1_24_21Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:11
Church & State B 1_24_21 2Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:15
Joy of the Lord 2a 11_1_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:10
Joy of the Lord 2b 11_1_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:01
Joy of the Lord 1a 10_11_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:47
Joy of the Lord 1b 10_11_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:35
Washed by the Word A Neh ch8, 9_27_20.mpRobert Nelson
00:00 / 17:45
Washed by the Word B Neh ch8, 9_27_20.mpRobert Nelson
00:00 / 17:45
Conspiracy A-Nehemiah #4 8_30_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:17
Conspiracy B- Nehemiah #4 8_30_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:21
Social justice A- Nehemiah Ch5 8_16_20.mRobert Nelson
00:00 / 19:11
Social justice B- Nehemiah Ch5, 8_16_20 Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:10
Confusion A Nehemiah Ch 3-4, 8_2_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:20
Confusion B Nehemiah Ch 3-4, 8_2_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:20
Leadership A Nehemiah 7_19_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 22:40
Leadership B Nehemiah 7_19_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 22:41
Satans device’s A 7_5_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:13
Satans Device’s B 7_5_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:20
Defending the Faith A 6_21_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:11
Defending the Faith B 6_21_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:12
Discrimination A 6_7_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:38
Discrimination B 6_7_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:41
Psalm 45 A 5_24_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:18
Psalm 45 B 5_24_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:21
Truth A 5_3_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 20:48
Truth B 5_3_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 29:06
Foundations A 4_26_20Myron Severson
00:00 / 17:59
Foundations B 4_26_20Myron Severson
00:00 / 17:49
Wisdom & knowledge A 4_19_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 24:00
Wisdom & knowledge B 4_19_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 24:12
Easter A 4_12_20 Pastor Myron Myron Severson
00:00 / 16:00
Easter B 4_12_20 Pastor Myron Myron Severson
00:00 / 15:41
COVID-19 A 4_5_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 24:24
COVID-19 B 4_5_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 24:22
Love of God Pt1 3_29_20Myron Severson
00:00 / 20:00
Love of God Pt2 3_29_20Myron Severson
00:00 / 19:25
G of John #25a 3_8_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 23:17
G of John #25b 3_8_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 22:17
G of John #24a. 2-23-20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 23:00
G of John #24b. 2-23-20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 22:46
G of John #23a, 2_2_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:59
G of John #23b, 2_2_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:19
G of John #22a, 1_19_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:05
G of John #22b, 1_19_20Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:05
G of John #21a 1-5-2020Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:01
G of John #21b 1-5-2020Robert Nelson
00:00 / 25:15
G of John #20a 12-22-19Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:50
G of John #20b 12-22-19 Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:50
G of John #19a, 12_8_19Robert Nelson
00:00 / 17:00
G of John #19b, 12_8-19Robert Nelson
00:00 / 16:56
G of John #18a 11_10_19Robert Nelson
00:00 / 21:04
G of John #18b 11_10_19Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:26
G of John #17a 11_10_19Robert Nelson
00:00 / 21:12
G of John #17b 11_10_19Robert Nelson
00:00 / 21:12
G of John 16a children of God 10-20-19.Robert Nelson
00:00 / 20:32
G of John 16b children of God 10-20-19.Robert Nelson
00:00 / 20:27
G of John 15a Our Father 10-13-19 .mp3Robert Nelson
00:00 / 20:30
G of John 15b Our Father 10_13_19.mp3Robert Nelson
00:00 / 20:35
G of John 14a 9-22-19.mp3Robert Nelson
00:00 / 19:24
G of John 14b 9-22-19 .mp3Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:30
G of John 13a 9_15_19.mpRobert Nelson
00:00 / 18:42
G of John 13b 9-15-19.mpRobert Nelson
00:00 / 18:52
G of John #12a 8-25-19Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:40
G of John 12b 8/25/19Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:30
G of John 11a, 7_28_19.mp3Robert Nelson
00:00 / 15:13
G of John 11b 7-28-19.mp3Robert Nelson
00:00 / 10:50
G of John 10a 7-21-19 mp3 Robert Nelson
00:00 / 20:04
G of John 10b 7-21-19 .mp3Robert Nelson
00:00 / 11:38
G of John 9a Ch 1:10-11 6_23_19.mp3Robert Nelson
00:00 / 18:15
G of John 9b ch 1:10-11 6_23_19.mp3 Robert Nelson
00:00 / 20:03
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